
Chocolate and Lemon Zebra Cake

For the Chocolate Crusty Base
-- You need
1 3/4 oz Milk chocolate, I used Valrhona 40% cacao Jivara Lactée
1 3/4 oz Black Hazelnut chocolate, I used Valrhona 32% cacao Gianduja
1 3/4 oz plain gavottes
1 Tsp Cocoa Nibs, I used Michel Cluizel
-- Steps
1. To make the crunchy bases, melt the chocolate in a double boiler and then add the gavotte crumbles with the cocoa nibs.
2. Take four ring molds and line them with plastic liners. Place them on a plate covered with parchment paper. Divide the chocolate preparation between the four molds and press down so that it is even. Place in the fridge until set.
3. Remove them from the circles and put them back in with the plastic liners.

For the Lemon Cream
-- You need
2 eggs
3.5 oz mascarpone
2/3 cup heavy cream, cold
1.5 gelatin sheets
1.5 oz sugar
Juice of 1 lemon
Zest of 1 lemon
1 Tsp water, warm
-- Steps
1. To make the lemon mousse, start by soaking the gelatin sheets in cold water for a few min, until soft.
2. Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until white and fluffy.
3. Add the mascarpone, lemon zest and juice and mix well.
4. Squeeze the excess water out of the gelatin and dissolve them in 1 Tsp hot water. Add it then to the lemon mascarpone preparation.
5. Beat the cream in whipped cream and fold it gently in the lemon batter. Beat the egg whites firm with a pinch of salt and fold them in as well.

For the Zebra Cake (For 4 small cakes)
-- You need
4 eggs
3.5 oz sugar
3.5 oz flour
1.5 Tsp unsweetened cocoa
Zest of 1 lemon
A few drops of vanilla extract
-- Steps
1. To make the cake, start by preheating your oven at 375ºF (= around 190°c).
2. Beat the egg yolks with the sugar and vanilla until white and fluffy.
3. Whip the egg whites firm with a pinch of salt. Fold them delicately to the previous preparation. Divide the batter in two halves and keep.
4. Sift the flour and divide it in two halves.
5. In the first half, add the lemon zest and in the other, the cocoa, and mix.
6. Add the lemon-flavored flour to the first batter and the cocoa-flavored one to the second. Fold in gently. Take two decoration bags and fill them with each preparation.
7. Grease a baking sheet with edge and line with parchment paper. Pipe the preparation describing long diagonal lines with each, one next to the other, lemon, cocoa, lemon and so on and so forth, until no batter is left.
8. Cook in the over for about 8 to 10 min. The top should be firmer and spongy when touching.
9. Remove from the oven. Let cool for a min and then remove the parchment paper. Cut circles of the size of your cakes for use later.

1. Take the molds out of the fridge with the crunchy bases in place, and top with raspberries.
2. Pipe in lemon mousse and place in the fridge until set (1 to 2 hours). When the mousses are almost set, top with the zebra cake, and place back in the fridge until fully set, about 1 hour more.
3. Remove the ring molds, the plastic liners and serve on individual plates.

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