
Homemade Potato Chips with Rosemary

-- You need
Russet (Idaho) potatoes
Peanut oil
Flaky sea salt
Chopped rosemary
-- Steps
1. Scrub potatoes clean then slice them crosswise on a mandoline about 1/8 - 1/4-inch thick (make sure the thickness is consistent, otherwise the chips will cook differently)
2. In a large skillet over medium-high, heat enough oil to fill the pan 3/4 - 1-inch deep. (get two pans going at once if you can work that quickly, otherwise it can take a while to get through all the slices)
3. When oil reaches about 350° F (176°C - see tips), gently but quickly lower in enough potato slices to loosely cover the surface area of the pan
4. Use a set of metal tongs to nudge the potatoes away from each other if they start to stick
5. When the edges begin to curl and color starts to emerge, turn them over. They should cook about 1-2 minutes per side
6. Pull them out with the tongs and set on the paper to drain. Immediately sprinkle with pinches of salt and chopped rosemary

Smoked Salmon Cheese Ball

-- You need
2 cups grated (extra) sharp cheddar
8 ounces cream cheese, room temp.
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
3 oz smoked nova salmon
1 inch chunk of shallot, minced
1/2 cup minced flat leaf parsley
-- Steps
1. Place the cheese, cream cheese, shallot, salmon and Worcestershire sauce in a blender, pulse until smooth
2. Scrape into a bowl and chill for 30 mins - an hour
3. Scrape it out of the bowl and shape into a ball
4. Sprinkle parsley in a shallow bowl and roll the ball into the parsley until evenly coated
5. Wrap tightly in plastic wrap and store in refrigerator overnight. Bring to room temp. before serving


Angel Biscuits

-- You need
1 package dry yeast (about 2 1/4 teaspoons)
1/2 cup warm water (270°C - 252°C)
5 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1/2 cup vegetable shortening
2 cups low-fat buttermilk
Cooking spray
1 tbsp melted butter
-- Steps
1. Dissolve yeast in warm water in a small bowl, let stand 5 mins
2. Combine the dry ingredients (flour through salt) in a large bowl. Cut in shortening with a pastry blender until mixture resembles coarse meal
3. Add yeast mixture and buttermilk, stir just until moist. Cover and chill 1 hour
4. Preheat oven to 350°C.
5. Turn dough out onto a heavily floured surface, knead lightly 5 times
6. Roll dough to 1/2 inch thickness, cut with a 3 inch biscuit cutter. Place on a baking sheet coated with cooking spray
7. Brush melted margarine over biscuit tops
8. Bake at 350°C for 12 mins or until golden

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-- 材料
紅豆 - 200g
砂糖(冰糖也可) - 100g (甜度可自己調)
-- 做法
1. 紅豆放在鍋子裡, 加入水(至少1.5 L), 大火煮
2. 約20-30分鐘後, 看一下紅豆是否全部變軟. 如果軟了, 放入網子裡面, 隔掉水份
3. 大概乾好後, 再放回去鍋子裡. 再加水(約1 L)
4. 大火煮紅豆至開始破開, 轉小火繼續煮到全部破開
5. 確認紅豆全部破開後, 鍋子裡輕輕沖水等到水變透明
6. 放在網子裡隔掉水分, 再回鍋子裡, 加入糖
7. 用木頭湯匙拌一下, 中火煮. 紅豆的水分都出來了, 繼續攪拌
8. 開始蒸發水分. 就看自己喜歡的濕度, 喜歡碎泥的, 就打碎煮好的紅豆
9. 放涼後即成

** 可把紅豆餡放入密封袋裡, 冷藏備用

Yorkshire Pudding / 約克夏布丁 (香腸)

-- 材料
蛋 - 2 隻
牛奶 - 300ml
麵粉 - 100g
鹽 - 少許
-- 做法
1. 微煎香腸, 不用煎到熟透, 置旁備用
2. 先打蛋汁, 然後加入麵粉攪拌. 再加入牛奶
3. 把剛煎香腸的油倒進麵糊裡, 攪拌完全. 把麵粉倒進容器, 把香腸和其他配料(若有) 擺入
4. 200°C 烤20-25 分鐘 (只要麵粉糊膨起來顏色轉金黃就可以取出)

** 肉類或蔬菜可依個人口味轉換


-- 材料
車厘茄 - 300g (約20 粒)
冰糖 - 35g
水 - 250ml
話梅 - 8-10 粒
-- 做法
1. 燒開一鍋水, 另預備一盤冰水
2. 用小刀在車厘茄底部刺一個十字, 放進沸水中煮約20 秒至外皮裂開, 然後撈起浸進冰水中一會兒, 便可把外皮撕去
3. 冰糖與水煮至沸騰, 轉小火煮1 分鐘左右使糖水變得略為濃稠, 加入話梅, 關火放涼
4. 待糖水放涼後, 加入已去皮的車厘茄, 蓋好放雪櫃一晚即成


-- 材料
醬油 - 1/2 湯匙
蠔油 - 1 湯匙
糖 - 1/2 湯匙
麻油 - 1 茶匙
水 - 1/2 杯
太白粉 / 粟粉 - 1 茶匙
黑胡椒粉 - 少許
鹽 - 少許
-- 做法
1. 小鍋煮滾醬汁即成

Black Pepper Sauce / 黑胡椒醬

-- 材料
牛油 - 2大匙
蒜茸 - 2瓣
洋蔥末 - 3大匙
粗黑胡椒粒 - 1-2大匙
水 - 240ml
淡忌廉 - 1大匙
鹽 - 少許
麵粉水 - 適量
rum - 少許
-- 做法
1. 融化牛油, 爆香蒜末和洋蔥末, 加入黑胡椒粒炒香
2. 加水, 淡忌廉煮滾. 再加鹽, rum 調味
3. 以麵粉水芶芡即成

** 可依個人口味增減調味料

Banana Walnut Cake / 香蕉合桃蛋糕

-- 材料 (11.5cmx22cmx6cm)
牛油 (室溫置軟) - 100g
黃砂糖 - 90g
香蕉泥 - 200g
雞蛋 - 120g (約2隻)
牛奶 - 50ml
低筋粉 - 120g
baking soda - 1/2茶匙
鹽 - 1/4茶匙
合桃 (切粗粒) - 55g
-- 做法
1. 預熱焗爐至180°C
2. 打發軟化了的牛油和糖至淡黃色
3. 蛋汁分3 次加入打發的牛油中, 每次完全混合
4. 加香蕉泥入蛋漿中, 用膠刮或木匙拌勻
5. 先把麵粉,baking soda 和鹽混合, 然後篩入,拌勻成麵糊
6. 最後加入合桃 (留少許合桃灑在麵糊上面), 倒入長型蛋糕模中
7. 焗約40 - 45分鐘, 或表面金黃色.放涼即成

Peppermint Mocha

-- You need (1 drink)
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup water
1/4 tsp peppermint extract
3 tbsp powdered cocoa, sifted
3 tbsp warm water
1/2 cup hot espresso
1 1/2 cups hot milk or soy milk
Whipped cream (optional)
-- Steps
1. In a small saucepan, stir together the water and sugar, bringing to a soft boil, stirring frequently, until the sugar dissolves.
2. Reduce heat to a low simmer and add the peppermint extract, and simmer for 20 minutes.
3. In a large mug add the cocoa and water and mix together until a creamy paste forms.
4. Add the espresso on top, then 1 1/2 teaspoon of the peppermint simple syrup, and stir to mix.
5. Top the mug off with the hot milk and stir. If desired, add whipped cream.

Peppermint Schnapps

-- You need (1 quart)
1 bunch peppermint
1 quart unflavored vodka
1 quart mason jar
Fine Mesh Strainer
-- Steps
1. Wash and de-stem your peppermint leaves. Leave on towel to dry.
2. Fill jar 1/3 full with leaves (a little less or more is ok) and then fill the remainder with Vodka.
3. Stir gently to remove air bubbles and screw on lid.
4. Let sit in a dark, cool place for a week or more depending on how stiff you'd like your schnapps to be.
5. Strain mixture into a new jar and you're all set to add it to any number of holiday beverages (or drink it straight).

** If you bruise your leaves, this process will take considerably less time, but can alter color and sometimes taste depending on time left in jar. Make sure to check often for quality.

Rhoda’s Peppermint Hot Fudge Sauce

-- You need (4 cups)
2 cups unsweetened cocoa powder
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 cup brown sugar
1/4 tsp Kosher salt
2 cups heavy cream
1 cup unsalted butter (cut into pieces)
2 tsp peppermint extract (substitute vanilla, if you don’t want the mint flavor)
-- Steps
1. In a double boiler over medium heat stir in cocoa, sugars and salt.
2. Add the cream and butter. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until the butter is melted and the sauce comes together and is smooth and glossy.
3. Bring to a boil for 1 minute. Then, remove the bowl from the heat and let cool for 5 minutes.
4. Stir in the peppermint extract.
5. Store in the fridge and re-heat when ready to use.

**This sauce will stay in the fridge for up to two weeks or more.

Hot Chocolate On A Stick

-- You need
8 oz. chocolate (bittersweet, semisweet, milk, and white chocolate all work)
1/4 cup cocoa, sifted
1/2 cup confectioner’s sugar, sifted
pinch of salt
(6 cups milk and 2 cups heavy cream if you plan to enjoy these right away)
-- Steps
1. If your chocolate is in a block, chop it into pieces. Simmer some water in a pan, and keep the water is below a simmer. Dump chocolate into the clean, dry bowl and stir as the chocolate melts.
2. Once the chocolate is 2/3 melted, remove the bowl from the pan, dry the bottom with a towel and continue stirring until chocolate is fully melted.
3. Add cocoa, sugar, and salt and continue to stir until combined. The chocolate will be thicker, almost as thick as frosting, but still glossy and smooth and very fun to stir.
4. Scoop chocolate into a ziplock bag and clip off the corner.
5. Pipe the chocolate into your chocolate mold, tapping the mold on the counter to make sure all the chocolate settles into the mold. Add a stir stick and it should stay upright without any trouble.
6. Let the chocolate cool either at room temperature or in the fridge if you’re in a hurry.
7. If you don’t like the look of the chocolate once it is removed from the mold, you can dip the cubes into a new batch of plain melted chocolate for a shinier finish, or add sprinkles or crushed candy or just lets you dip in fun patterns.
8. In order to enjoy these, heat up any combo of milk, water, half and half, or cream. One oz. of chocolate on a stick should be melted into one cup milk or cream. So a standard ice cube-tray block, which is 3/4 oz, should be melted into a mug with 3/4 cup milk or cream.

** Chocolate will keep in an airtight container for up to a year. Don’t keep it in the fridge because it is really good at absorbing odors.

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Chocolate Milk

-- You need
1 cup heavy (whipping) cream
4 ounces semi-sweet chocolate pieces
-- Steps
1. Heat cream over medium-high heat until slightly boiling
2. Add chocolate pieces and turn off heat
3. Whisk slowly until chocolate is melted and mixture is very smooth
4. Pour into a container and keep in the fridge up to two weeks.
5. To Serve, mix with cold or warm milk, depending on how frightful the weather outside is.

** Mixture, after refrigerated, will be quite thick. Just stir well in cold milk and it’ll be fine.

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Satay sauce / 沙嗲醬

-- 材料
香茅 - 1根
洋蔥 - 1/2 顆
老薑 - 30g
大蒜 - 1瓣
辣椒 - 1根
油 - 少許
花生醬 - 600g
牛奶 - 700ml
辣椒醬 - 40ml
椰奶 - 400ml
印尼甜醬油 (Ketjap manis) - 100ml
棕糖 - 2大匙
椰絲 - 少許
-- 做法
1. 將材料(A) 切碎, 或請食物調理機幫忙, 但不要攪成泥
2. 油炒(1), 稍微炒軟即可
3. 再加入花生醬, 牛奶, 辣椒醬, 椰奶, 印尼甜醬油, 黃糖, 以中火慢慢攪拌
4. 醬料煮開後就完成了. (煮久一點醬料就濃稠一點)
5. 熄火前灑上椰絲

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-- 材料
蒜頭 (切碎)
紫蘇葉 /歐芹 (Parsley)
-- 做法
1. 鹽水放入蛤蜊先讓它們吐砂. 放置暗涼的地方兩個小時
2. 洗好殼面, 放乾
3. 橄欖油炒香切碎的蒜頭. 要辣的話加辣椒
4. 加蛤蜊炒一下, 再加清酒, 大概3 大匙左右 (用白酒也可)
5. 蓋起來煮. 確認殼全部有開, 熄火
6. 全部倒出, 將蛤蜊和汁分開
7. 開始煮麵 (時間要短2, 3 分鐘)
8. 汁放回鍋子裡, 加一點橄欖油
9. 加入還沒熟的麵, 鍋子裡拌一拌讓麵吸收汁,再煮一下
10. 加煮好的蛤蜊和紫蘇葉或歐芹. 試一下味, 不夠才再加一點鹽, 胡椒

** 蛤蜊汁已經鹹的

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-- 材料
蛋黃 - 3個
砂糖 - 50g
玉米粉 - 1大匙
牛奶 - 400ml
黑芝麻醬 - 3, 4大匙
鮮奶油 - 200ml
黃豆粉 - 適量
1. 蛋黃, 砂糖混合
2. 盆子隔溫水加熱, 開始打發蛋黃. 放手指, 溫溫的話可以離鍋
3. 繼續打到發白就可, 備用
4. 鍋子倒牛奶煮沸後, 熄火再放入黑芝麻醬, 攪拌好
5. 打發好的(3) 放入玉米粉攪拌好
6. 加入(4) 攪拌好
7. 倒回去鍋子裡慢火煮, 用木頭湯匙攪拌. 煮到變稠
8. 煮好隔冰水冷卻
9. 鮮奶油打到大概(8) 一樣的稠度
10. 混合好, 倒在保鮮盒裡, 蓋好放在冷凍庫
11. 有一點凍結就拿出來用湯匙拌一拌. 再放回冷凍庫. 重複這個作業2, 3 次就完成

** 可以用原味的黑芝麻粉, 但是需要調整砂糖的份量
** 如果想要花生口味的話, 芝麻醬可轉做花生醬

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-- 材料 (90個左右)
豬絞肉 - 450g
蕃茄 - 8個 (每個都比拳頭還要小)
雞蛋 - 3隻

-- 做法
1. 蕃茄底部用刀輕畫十字, 放入滾水中, 燙約1分鐘至皮捲起
2. 撈起, 將蕃茄去皮. 用刀切開, 再擠出汁液, 備用
3. 將蕃茄肉切約1公分塊狀, 拌入1大匙菜油拌勻, 備用
4. 雞蛋加入適量鹽打均勻, 然後炒成熟散狀
5. 豬絞肉加入(A)拌勻後, 將蕃茄汁液分多次加入
6. 之後再加入蕃茄肉丁, 炒雞蛋拌勻, 即為蕃茄雞蛋肉餡
7. 肉餡放入冷凍庫,冰凍到稍硬
8. 最後再包成餃子 (要現包現煮)

** 蕃茄勿煮過久, 以免蕃茄肉都軟化了
** 雞蛋要炒乾一點, 可利於吸收過多的肉餡湯汁
** 切好的蕃茄拌入油的原因, 是因為被油包裹住的蕃茄, 會較不易出水
** 蕃茄不能切過小, 要不煮時就會看不見蕃茄肉
** 拌好的肉餡如果過於濕軟, 可以將肉餡放入冷凍庫, 冰凍到稍硬才包
(可用保鮮袋分裝冰凍, 可避免整鍋一起冰凍, 等包到後半段時, 肉餡隨著時間與溫度又再軟化)
** 包好的就放入冷凍庫, 冰到硬. 到要吃時才取出要煮的分量.

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-- You need
1/3 shot Kahlua® coffee liqueur
1/3 shot amaretto almond liqueur
1/3 shot Bailey's® Irish cream
-- Steps
1. Carefully layer ingredients into a shot glass; in order: kahlua, amaretto, then irish cream


-- You need
3/4 oz green creme de menthe
3/4 oz white creme de cacao
3/4 oz light cream
-- Steps
1. Shake all ingredients with ice
2. Strain into a cocktail glass, serve


-- You need
1.25 oz rum
12 mint leaves
1 tbsp sugar
0.5 oz lime juice
2 oz soda
-- Steps
1. Place mint leaves in bottom of glass
2. Add crushed ice, rum, sugar, and lime juice, and muddle
3. Add soda water and garnish with mint leaves

Fruit punch

-- You need
2 (6-ounce) cans frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed
2 (6-ounce) cans frozen lemonade concentrate, thawed
1 (48-ounce) can pineapple juice
3 cups water
3 cups sugar
2 pints strawberries, hulled
1 (1-liter) bottle lemon-lime soda (recommended: Sprite / Ginger ale)
-- Steps
1. Combine the orange juice, lemonade, and pineapple juice, stir well
2. Bring 3 cups water and the sugar to a boil, until sugar is dissolved, about 5 mins. Let cool
3. Add the syrup to the fruit juices
4. Place the whole strawberries into a ring mold. Pour in enough fruit juice to fill the mold. Freeze
5. Refrigerate the remaining juice

6. When ready to serve, pour the fruit juice into a punch bowl and add the soda. Float the strawberry ice ring in the punch.

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-- You need
1 Bottle of red wine (Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Rioja, Zinfandel, Shiraz)
1 Lemon cut into wedges
1 Orange cut into wedges
1 Lime cut into wedges
2 Tbsp sugar
Splash of orange juice or lemonade
2 Shots of gin or triple sec (optional)
1 Cup of raspberries or strawberries (may use thawed or frozen)
1 Small can of diced pineapples (with juice)
4 Cups ginger ale
-- Steps
1. Pour wine into a large pitcher and squeeze the juice wedges from the lemon, orange and lime into the wine.
2. Toss in the fruit wedges (leaving out seeds if possible) and pineapple then add sugar, orange juice and gin.
3. Chill overnight.
4. Add ginger ale, berries and ice just before serving.

** If you'd like to serve right away, use chilled red wine and serve over lots of ice.
** However, remember that the best Sangrias are chilled around 24 hrs in the frig. - allowing the flavors to really marinate into each other.

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1. reference


-- 材料
洋蔥 - 1個
雞湯 - 1小包
水 - 1杯
牛油 - 2 tbsp
麵粉 - 少許
鹽 - 適量
胡椒 - 適量
-- 做法
1. 蘑菇切片, 洋蔥切粒, 以蒜頭起鑊, 炒至軟身
2. 再加入雞湯和水煮滾
2. 待蘑菇湯稍涼, 以打茸器打成蘑菇茸
3. 另一煲以慢火煮溶牛油, 下麵粉拌勻, 拌入蘑菇湯轉中火
4. 煮滾後轉細火, 調味, 下忌廉拌勻便成

** 可以百里香與雞湯同煮, 味道會更香
** 炒蘑菇時下少許些厘酒會有點睛作用
** 多選幾款不同的菇類會更香


-- 材料
南杏 - 150g / 4兩
北杏 - 15g / 0.4兩
米 - 60g
砂糖 - 120g
花奶 - 150g
清水 - 1L / 4杯
-- 做法
1. 米及南北杏洗淨, 用清水浸 4 小時
2. 撈起, 加入水, 放入攪拌機攪碎, 隔渣
3. 將隔渣的杏仁汁放於煲中, 加糖煮至滾, 倒入花奶, 熄火即成

** 可將水分批跟南北杏翻渣攪拌
** 杏仁用的是南杏非西點用的杏仁, 南杏較圓較小, 呈不正型的扁圓, 有強烈香味
** 北杏有小毒及有苦味, 不應多用. 跟南杏比例大約應為1:10
** 假如用打成粉的也可, 但需注意是否含糖, 煮的時候糖量或要減少
** 煮滾後加入蛋白, 即成蛋白杏仁茶

1. reference
2. reference



-- 材料
榴槤肉 - 300g
糖 - 50g
淡忌廉 - 250g
-- 做法
1. 榴槤肉加糖, 以攪拌器攪至綿爛
2. 拌入淡忌廉, 放入預先冷藏的雪糕機內, 以最慢速攪拌30 mins, 凝固即成

** 請根據雪糕機的使用方法及建議時間

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-- 材料
酒漬櫻桃 (cherry in liquor) - 200g
鮮櫻桃 (sour cherry) - 200g
糖 - 75g
淡忌廉 - 200g
-- 做法
1. 鮮櫻桃加入糖, 以攪拌器攪至綿爛
2. 拌入酒漬櫻桃, 放入預先冷藏的雪糕機內, 以慢速攪拌30 mins, 凝固即成

** 請根據雪糕機的使用方法及建議時間

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-- 材料
紅莓 - 250g
糖 - 適量
檸檬汁 - 1湯匙
干邑 - 1湯匙
-- 做法
1. 紅莓加砂糖慢火煮至綿爛
2. 拌入干邑, 熄火
3. 紅莓醬以攪拌器打成蓉, 隔渣即成

** 或以現成紅莓蓉代替紅莓, 可免卻用攪拌器打成蓉之步驟

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-- 材料
芒果肉 - 400g
砂糖 - 50g
水 - 50ml
液體葡萄糖 - 20g
檸檬汁 - 30ml
魚膠片 / 粉 - 1片 (2.5g)
-- 做法
1. 浸軟魚膠片, 備用
2. 芒果以攪拌機打成蓉
3. 水煮溶砂糖及液體葡萄糖, 至黏稠
4. 加入放軟之魚膠片, 拌勻放涼
5. 拌入芒果蓉及檸檬汁, 雪凍後用雪糕攪拌至凝結即成

** 請根據雪糕機的使用方法及建議時間

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-- 材料
蛋黃 - 6隻
砂糖 - 40g
水 - 50ml
液體葡萄糖 - 15g
淡忌廉 - 250ml
鳥結糖 - 適量
-- 做法
1. 蛋黃打至發泡
2. 砂糖加入水及液體葡萄糖, 煮至116°C, 離火
3. 加入已打發之蛋黃再打至稠身. 再次加熱至70°C, 熄火放涼
4. 切碎鳥結糖, 備用
5. 將忌廉打發至7 - 8 成, 加入蛋黃醬拌勻
6. 再加入切碎之鳥結糖, 拌勻後倒入模內, 冷藏至凝固即成

recipe from...



-- 材料 (2 人份)
米 - 1杯
洋蔥 - 半個 (切碎)
蒜頭 - 3瓣 (切碎)
蘑菇 - 5個 (依喜好增加)
鴻喜菇 - 適量 (依喜好增加)
鮑魚菇 - 適量 (依喜好增加)
Parsley - 切碎約1大匙
奶油 - 1小匙
高湯 - 2.5-3杯 (依情況調整用量)
鹽 - 適量
黑胡椒 - 適量
起司粉 - 適量
-- 做法
將各種菇類洗淨, 切薄片或撕開, 用少許油清炒至軟, 盛起備用
鍋內放入奶油, 先爆香蒜頭碎, 放入洋蔥碎炒至半透明狀
再加入少量高湯轉小火熬煮, 每當湯汁快收乾時再加高湯
熬煮到九分熟後, 加入菇類, 鹽, 黑胡椒, 起司粉, Parsley碎, 拌勻即可

** 菇類可以隨意使用, 不一定要用上面所說的那幾種

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-- 材料

中粉 - 200g (100%)
鹽 - 3g (1.5%)
滾水 - 120g (60%)
冷水 - 30-40g (15-20%)
橄欖油/沙拉油 - 6g (3%)
-- 做法
1. 將粉和鹽混勻, 加入滾水並不斷以筷子攪拌成雪片狀
2. 攪至稍降溫後, 分次加冷水. 成團後加油攪打成三光, 覆蓋鬆弛30 分鐘以上
3. 取出麵糰, 分割@ 35 - 40g, 包入內餡, 收口捏合. 覆蓋鬆弛30 分鐘
4. 燒熱油, (油要多些) 將壓扁的餅收口朝下, 自鍋邊先排入鍋中, 中間後擺, 蓋鍋
5. 以中小火半煎半炸, 中途翻面, 煎至兩面金黃即可

-- 材料
牛肉 - 150g
鹽 - 1 tbsp
醬油 - 1-2 tbsp
味霖/米酒 - 1tbsp
蔥薑水/花椒水 - 30g (酌情增減)
香油 - 1tbsp
大白菜 - 150g
胡蘿蔔末 - 1/2 tbsp
洋蔥末 - 1/2 tbsp
蔥花/韭黃/韭菜末 - 隨意
胡椒粉 - 適量
-- 做法
1. A 料入盆以打蛋器拌勻,再分次加入B
2. 加C 拌勻後, 不密封, 冷藏2-3 小時
3. 大白菜洗淨切碎, 加入胡蘿蔔, 灑少許的鹽拌勻, 出水後擠去水分
4. 包餡前才將處理好的D + E 和肉餡拌勻, 並加F 調味

** 打完水可加少許蛋白和玉米粉增加滑嫩度
** 大白菜可改為高麗菜, 種類隨意

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-- 材料
法國小春雞 - 394g
頂級桂花 - 30g (分多次)
意大利AVF 海鹽
PHY 食用茶花籽油 - 350ml
-- 做法
1. 小春雞解凍, 洗淨. 然後用廚房紙巾把雞身及雞內腔抹乾
2. 取桂花3 - 4 茶匙, 放小尼龍隔子裡, 用清水略洗, 再放廚房紙巾上把水份吸乾
3. 取海鹽1.5 茶匙, 麥芽糖1.5 - 2 茶匙, 與桂花拌勻
4. 把桂花混合物塞進雞內腔
5. 取鹽約1.5 茶匙, 均勻塗抹雞身上
6. 下茶花籽油2 茶匙, 塗抹雞身
7. 把雞放盤裡, 用保鮮紙包好, 放雪櫃過夜
8. 臨焗前1 小時, 把雞從雪櫃取出
9. 預熱180°C. 雞胸向下, 再調至160°C - 180°C, 焗40 - 45 mins. 期間把雞反轉一次

-- 材料
桂花 - 1 茶匙
麥芽糖 - 1 湯匙
三溫糖 - 2 茶匙
鹽 - 1/4 茶匙
米醋 - 1/4 茶匙
-- 做法
1. 取桂花1 茶匙, 洗淨瀝乾
2. 把桂花加75ml 水, 下麥芽糖1 湯匙, 三溫糖2 茶匙, 鹽1/4 茶匙. 煮至糖與鹽溶
3. 取片栗粉1 茶匙, 用25ml 冷水拌勻. 放入小煲內, 煮至桂花汁變稠
4. 下米醋1/4 茶匙, 拌勻

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-- 材料
糯米粉 - 150g
澄麵 - 30g
糖 - 50g
水 - 150ml
油 - 1湯匙
-- 做法
1. 將糯米粉 + 澄麵過篩
2. 水跟糖煮滾, 糖溶後撞入麵粉中, 再加一湯匙油攪勻
3. 灑糯米粉於檯上, 搓成長條圓形
4. 每次都取出一小糰份量, 搓圓按扁入餡料, 把收口揉合, 做成餅狀
5. 最後用中慢火煎

** 如果覺得黏手, 要用糯米粉做手粉
** 煎時要煎得夠透, 可於中段時灑小許水再蓋上鑊蓋焗一陣
** 未煎既餅熱毛巾蓋上, 否則容易變硬

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-- 材料 (2人份)
牛柳 - 300g
蒜頭 - 1 瓣
洋蔥 - 1 個
蘑菇 - 10 顆
白酒 - 2 湯匙
酸忌廉 - 5-6 湯匙
法國芥末 - 1 茶匙
紅椒粉 - 1 茶匙
-- 做法
1. 牛柳切絲, 用少許橄欖油及黑胡椒醃一會.
2. 蒜頭剁蓉, 洋蔥切絲, 蘑菇切片
3. 下鍋前加少許鹽到牛肉中拌勻. 用少許橄欖油起鑊, 大火把肉炒至七成熟, 盛起
4. 鑊內再加少許橄欖油, 中火把蒜頭及洋蔥炒香, 加入蘑菇片
贊入白酒. 待酒揮發掉後, 轉小火.
6. 加入酸忌廉,
牛柳絲, 肉汁, 法國芥末及紅椒粉拌勻
7. 待醬汁微微冒泡即可下鹽及黑胡椒調味, 上碟

** 如果醬汁太濃, 可加一兩匙水調節
** 酸忌廉遇高熱會凝結成塊狀, 所以慢火加熱至剛好冒泡即可離火

recipe from...

Glass Cookies / 玻璃曲奇

-- 材料
牛油 - 100g
糖粉 - 60g
雞蛋 - 40g
低筋麵粉 - 200g
泡打粉 - 2g
鹽 - 2g
-- 做法
1. 室溫放軟牛油, 加入糖粉及鹽打至鬆發
2. 逐少加入雞蛋, 直至蛋汁完全混入牛油糊
3. 篩入低筋麵粉及泡打粉, 以切伴方法伴勻
4. 弄成糰放入凍格雪1 小時以上, 取後後碌平, 用餅模印出曲奇

-- 材料
Fox's 果汁糖 - 約15 粒
-- 做法
1. 曲奇先焗5 mins 至半熟. 每一塊放上一粒果汁糖在中央
(如中央範圍太小, 可以把果汁糖壓碎放入)
2. 以160°C 焗15 mins 至金黃色及糖溶
3. 出爐後要等曲奇完全涼透即可取出

** 將曲奇焗至半熟才放入果汁糖, 可減少泡泡出現
** 焗的中途, 留意每塊曲奇果汁糖的份量, 如太少可中途加上, 不要做到穿玻璃

recipe from...

Durian Cheese Cake (bake) / 焗榴槤蛋糕

-- 材料 (長模蛋糕 - 10人份)
無鹽奶油 - 130g
低筋麵粉 - 150g
糖 - 110g (糖粉 - 100g)
玉米粉 - 100g
蛋黃 - 2個
泡打粉 - 1 tbsp
雞蛋 - 2個
榴槤泥 - 150g
鮮奶油 - 50ml
-- 做法
1. 焗爐預熱至180°C
2. 奶油放置於室溫軟化, 榴槤肉刮下, 備用
3. 奶油加糖攪打至淡黃色, 依次加入蛋黃, 全蛋, 鮮奶油慢慢打勻
4. 在作法 (3) 加入榴槤肉, 攪勻
5. 將麵粉, 玉米粉和泡打粉混合, 過篩於 (4) 中, 分兩次拌勻, 倒入蛋糕模中烘烤
6. 焗大約50 分鐘 (若不想蛋糕太乾, 最下層烤盤可加些水)

recipe from...

Durian Cheese Cake (non-bake) / 榴槤芝士蛋糕 (免焗)

-- 材料 (6 吋模)
鮮奶 - 50ml
cream cheese - 125g
榴槤肉 - (根據個人喜好份量)
糖 - 約1 tbsp
魚膠粉 - 1.5 tbsp
水 - 30ml
-- 做法
1. cream cheese 放室溫, 魚膠粉加水備用
2. 鮮奶, 榴槤肉和糖打成糊狀
3. 續少加入cream cheese 打勻
4. 再加入魚膠液拌勻
5. 冷藏凝固即成

** 若放榴槤肉於中間
1. 先倒一半餡料於模中, 冷藏至少至表面凝固 (餘下餡料要不時攪拌)
2. 輕力放下榴槤肉
3. 再將餘下餡料倒入, 冷藏至凝固

recipe from...

Super Soft Cake / 日本棉花蛋糕

-- 材料 (長型焗盆 13.5" x 9.5" )
牛油 - 60g
低筋麵粉 - 80g
淡奶 / 牛奶 - 80ml
雞蛋 - 6隻
砂糖 - 90g
鹽 - 少許
-- 做法
1. 預熱焗爐至160°C (若爐溫偏低, 則要180°C)
2. 牛油以慢火煮滾後熄火, 加低筋麵粉拌勻, 加淡奶及全蛋 1 隻+蛋黃 5 隻, 混合至無粒狀=>(A)
3. 將蛋白 5 隻打發至起泡後, 加入鹽拌勻, 再分三次加入砂糖打發, 直至呈現角狀=>(B)
4. 將(A) + (B) 以fold-in 形式輕手混合後, 倒入已舖上牛油紙的焗盆中 (可在桌上輕敲使空氣排出)
5. 置於焗爐中焗約15 分鐘 (至表面程金黃色) 後, 轉低20°C 再焗5 分鐘
6. 出爐後, 馬上倒扣. 待涼後即成

recipe from...
1. reference
2. reference
3. reference



-- 材料 (2 人份量)
排骨 - 1 磅,
紅辣椒 (切粒/絲)
李錦記蒜蓉豆豉醬- 2荼匙
-- 做法
1. 將排骨放入大碗內, 加入所有醃料醃一個鐘
2. 將醃好的排骨灑上紅辣椒粒, 蒸15 分鐘即成

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-- 材料
紅豆 - 75g
花奶 - 96g
糖 - 156g
椰漿 - 240ml
粟粉 - 102g
紅豆水 - 750ml
-- 做法
1. 將紅豆洗淨, 加水浸一晚
2. 開中火, 將紅豆煮約35-45 分鐘至爆口, 熄火焗半小時, 隔水備用 (即紅豆水)
3. 將椰漿, 花奶和粟粉拌勻
4. 將紅豆水煮沸, 加入糖煮溶, 然後轉細火.
5. 慢慢加入已開勻的粟粉漿, 一邊倒入一邊攪動 (向同一方向攪)
6. 漿粉轉杰時轉中火,不停攪動至滾起, 像起泡一樣
7. 最後再加紅豆攪勻, 然後倒入用凍水沖過的蛋糕模, 冷藏至凝固即可

** 紅豆浸過夜較易淋
** 椰漿, 花奶和粟粉一定要拌至沒有粉粒
** 向同一方向攪粉漿, 做出來的紅豆糕會較滑

recipe from...
1. reference
2. reference


-- 材料 (2人份量)
半肥瘦碎豬肉 - 1 lb
紅葱頭 - 6 粒 (切成碎粒)
蒜頭 - 6 瓣 (切成蒜蓉粒)
老抽 - 1 tbsp (可省掉)
生抽 - 2 tbsp
砂糖 - 2 tbsp
胡椒粉 - 適量
-- 做法
1. 碎豬肉用調味料醃一會, 備用
2. 中火燒紅鑊, 加油, 爆香蒜頭及紅葱頭, 再放碎豬肉炒勻
3. 加入一碗水, 慢火煮至碎豬肉熟透及汁液稠杰即可

recipe from...
1. reference



-- 材料

牛奶 / 鮮奶油
洋香菜 / 奧勒岡 (香草)
美乃滋 - 1 小匙
檸檬汁 - 1 小匙
-- 做法
1. 豆腐放在大碗裡攪碎讓它變成糊狀
2. 加進各種調味料,調成自己喜歡的口味
3. 再加進1 小匙美乃滋和1 小匙檸檬汁
4. 最後把洋蔥, 酸黃瓜, 水煮蛋或是其他想加的配料切碎, 加進豆腐糊拌勻即成

** 這是用豆腐來當基底代替大量的美乃滋
** 豆腐選用越嫩的越好,也就是水分含量多的

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-- 材料
中粉 - 300g
鹽 - 4.5g
滾水 - 150g
冷水 - 75 - 90g
橄欖油/沙拉油 - 1 tbsp
-- 做法
1. 將粉和鹽混勻, 加入滾水並不斷以筷子攪拌成雪片狀
2. 攪至稍降溫後, 分次加冷水. 成團後加油攪打成三光, 覆蓋鬆弛30 分鐘以上
3. 取出麵糰, 分割@ 35 - 40g, 包入內餡, 收口捏合. 覆蓋鬆弛30 分鐘
4. 燒熱油, (油要多些) 將壓扁的餅收口朝下, 自鍋邊先排入鍋中, 中間後擺, 蓋鍋
5. 以中小火半煎半炸, 中途翻面, 煎至兩面金黃即可

-- 材料
豬絞肉 - 150g
鹽 - 1 tbsp
醬油 - 1 tbsp
味霖/米酒 - 1 tbsp
薑汁 - 5g
水/高湯 - 50-70g
香油 - 2 tbsp
橄欖油/沙拉油 - 2 tbsp
高麗菜 - 225g
胡蘿蔔末 - 1 tbsp
蔥花 - 40g
胡椒粉 - 適量
-- 做法
A 以打蛋器拌勻, 加1/3量的水或高湯拌打出黏性 (同一方向攪拌筋性才容易打出)
再分次加少量水, 每次都要先打出黏性. 待水份充分吸收後才能再加水
加C 拌勻後, 不密封, 冷藏2 - 3小時
高麗菜洗淨切碎, 加入胡蘿蔔末, 灑1.5 tbsp 的鹽拌勻, 待出水後以清水稍洗, 擠去水分
包餡前才將處理好的D + E 和肉餡拌勻, 並加F 調味

** 一般內餡材料為肉與菜等比例
** 肉餡經過打水, 這樣做內餡做餡餅, 水嫩多汁又有蔬菜的清甜
** 高麗菜可改為大白菜, 也很不錯. 加不加胡蘿蔔隨意

recipe from...
1. reference



-- 材料


-- 做法
1. 雞肉用鹽, 薑末醃一下
2. 將蔥墊底, 淋上1, 2大匙米酒或料理酒一起蒸
(因為會出很多雞湯, 所以要用有點深度的盤子)
3. 大火蒸大概15 mins
4. 蒸好之後肉夾起來放一下, 不那麼燙再切, 即成

** 蒸出來的湯汁可拿來拌飯

recipe from...

烤 / 煎雞捲

-- 材料

-- 做法
1. 蔬菜先蒸過或汆燙過, 放涼備用
2. 雞腿肉兩面撒上鹽和胡椒醃一下
3. 蔬菜切成配合雞肉的長度
(雞肉烤的時候會縮短一點, 所以蔬菜可以稍微比雞肉短一些)
4. 雞肉內面塗上一點油, 放上要包的蔬菜, 捲起來, 用棉繩繞緊綁好
5. 鋪好鋁箔紙, 大焗爐220°C, 焗大約25 mins. 中途最好要翻個一兩次面
6. 烤好拿出來放一下, 再拆棉繩切件
7. 把鋁箔紙上的肉汁淋上去即成
(或可把肉汁用大蒜, 牛油或是胡椒再調味一下, 做成醬汁)

recipe from...

1. reference


-- 材料

蒜片 (蒜片是點綴, 可加可不加)
白酒 - 少許
生抽 - 少許
-- 做法
1. 蒜片炸到顏色金黃即可夾起, 用廚房紙巾吸掉油份備用
2. 蒜蓉下油鑊慢炒, 至變色但不燒焦
3. 轉金黃色後加一小塊牛油
4. 牛油溶化後加入一大匙白酒
5. 酒精揮發後再加入1, 2 大匙生抽
6. 再把加熱過的飯加入, 迅速用鑊鏟把飯拌開
7. 最後加上蔥花, 香草類拌炒一下, 或加上粗粒胡椒起鍋, 再放上點綴用的蒜片即成

recipe from...


-- 材料

鹽 - 1 小匙 / 5ml
麻油 - 1 大匙 / 15ml
-- 做法
1. 蔥切碎, 加入鹽拌勻
2. 蔥會出水, 變軟. 再加入麻油拌勻, 即成鹽味香蔥
3. 雞肉塗上鹽味香蔥, 放到焗盤或鋁箔紙上
4. 焗爐開220°C, 焗大概12 mins 左右

recipe from...
1. reference


-- 材料
豬絞肉 (250g 大約可以做20 個)
糯米 - 大約3/4 杯 / 40 - 45ml (先用冷水泡2 小時或過夜)
酒 - 1大匙
生抽- 3大匙
水 - 1大匙
薑末 - 1小匙
細蔥花 - 2大匙
白胡椒 - 適量
鹽 - 適量
生粉 - 1大匙
麻油 - 少許
(筍, 馬碲或冬菇也可以切碎加進去)
-- 做法
1. 糯米瀝乾之後拌一點鹽備用
2. 醃好絞肉. 加入切碎材料, 搓成肉丸
(材料不要太大塊, 因為肉丸表面有這些料的地方會黏不住糯米)
3. 把糯米鋪在盤子上, 將肉丸放在盤子上滾一滾, 黏上一層糯米
4. 大火蒸大概12 - 15 mins
(蒸時盤子裡容易積水, 最好墊上可以稍微吸收水氣的東西)

recipe from...
1. reference


-- 材料
-- 做法
1. 牛柳洗淨抺乾, 切粒備用
2. 用黑胡椒醃一會
3. 蒜頭去衣切薄片, 下油鑊炸至金黃色, 取出隔油
4. 牛柳粒下油鑊煎至6 成, 加入生抽, 蒜片回鑊, 快手兜勻即可上碟

recipe from...
1. reference

焗豬肋骨 (BBQ sauce)

-- 材料
Hunts BBQ 醬
-- 做法
1. 豬肋骨洗淨, 用刀輕輕介開肉面, 令肉質更易入味
2. 用BBQ 醬, 茄汁及砂糖醃味最小1 小時
3. 焗盤底用鍚紙包好, 將豬肋骨及醃料放入, 加入小許水份, 再用鍚紙封面
4. 以180°C 焗50 mins 即成 (可按照自己既爐溫更改度數)

recipe from...




地址: 荃灣德士古道62-70 號寶業工業大廈23 號地下
電話: 2413 1882 / 2413 1947



Angus Prime Food Company (產品以凍肉海鮮為主)

地址: 佐敦廣東道318 號 (近官涌市政大樓)
電話: 3119 1032

地址: 九龍城侯王道14 號地下
電話: 2716 1338
傳真: 2718 4256

地址: 九龍城福老村道50 號地下
電話: 2383 9977




地址: 灣仔寶靈頓道16 號地下永德大廈G 座地鋪 (鵝頸橋街市內)
電話: 2870 2338

地址: 銅鑼灣禮頓道37A 號地下
電話: 2891 8215
傳真: 2574 2613

information from...


Useful Conversion / 換算資料


華氏(ºF) 溫度 = [ 攝氏(°c) 溫度× 9 ] ÷5 +32

攝氏(°c) 溫度 = [ 華氏(ºF) 溫度- 32] ×5 ÷9



Brioche Berry Puddings

(For 4 individual puddings)
-- You need
4 slices of stale homemade brioche
1 cup milk
2 large eggs
1/4 cup fine sugar
4 Tbsp heavy cream
4 Tbsp melted butter
1 tsp vanilla extract
-- Steps
1. Cut the brioches slices in long sticks and divide them between the molds lined with parchment paper (1 slice per mold, I used popover molds but you can use tall muffin molds).
2. Add a few berries, fresh or frozen.
3. Melt the butter and pour 1 Tbsp per mold.
4. Whip all other ingredients together in a bowl — eggs, sugar, milk, vanilla and cream — and divide between the four molds.
5. Let the puddings rest for 20 to 30 min.
6. Preheat your oven at 330ºF (= around 165°c).
7. Place in the oven to cook for 25 to 30min.
8. Remove and serve preferably lukewarm (but cooled is also good).

recipe from...

Chocolate and Lemon Zebra Cake

For the Chocolate Crusty Base
-- You need
1 3/4 oz Milk chocolate, I used Valrhona 40% cacao Jivara Lactée
1 3/4 oz Black Hazelnut chocolate, I used Valrhona 32% cacao Gianduja
1 3/4 oz plain gavottes
1 Tsp Cocoa Nibs, I used Michel Cluizel
-- Steps
1. To make the crunchy bases, melt the chocolate in a double boiler and then add the gavotte crumbles with the cocoa nibs.
2. Take four ring molds and line them with plastic liners. Place them on a plate covered with parchment paper. Divide the chocolate preparation between the four molds and press down so that it is even. Place in the fridge until set.
3. Remove them from the circles and put them back in with the plastic liners.

For the Lemon Cream
-- You need
2 eggs
3.5 oz mascarpone
2/3 cup heavy cream, cold
1.5 gelatin sheets
1.5 oz sugar
Juice of 1 lemon
Zest of 1 lemon
1 Tsp water, warm
-- Steps
1. To make the lemon mousse, start by soaking the gelatin sheets in cold water for a few min, until soft.
2. Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until white and fluffy.
3. Add the mascarpone, lemon zest and juice and mix well.
4. Squeeze the excess water out of the gelatin and dissolve them in 1 Tsp hot water. Add it then to the lemon mascarpone preparation.
5. Beat the cream in whipped cream and fold it gently in the lemon batter. Beat the egg whites firm with a pinch of salt and fold them in as well.

For the Zebra Cake (For 4 small cakes)
-- You need
4 eggs
3.5 oz sugar
3.5 oz flour
1.5 Tsp unsweetened cocoa
Zest of 1 lemon
A few drops of vanilla extract
-- Steps
1. To make the cake, start by preheating your oven at 375ºF (= around 190°c).
2. Beat the egg yolks with the sugar and vanilla until white and fluffy.
3. Whip the egg whites firm with a pinch of salt. Fold them delicately to the previous preparation. Divide the batter in two halves and keep.
4. Sift the flour and divide it in two halves.
5. In the first half, add the lemon zest and in the other, the cocoa, and mix.
6. Add the lemon-flavored flour to the first batter and the cocoa-flavored one to the second. Fold in gently. Take two decoration bags and fill them with each preparation.
7. Grease a baking sheet with edge and line with parchment paper. Pipe the preparation describing long diagonal lines with each, one next to the other, lemon, cocoa, lemon and so on and so forth, until no batter is left.
8. Cook in the over for about 8 to 10 min. The top should be firmer and spongy when touching.
9. Remove from the oven. Let cool for a min and then remove the parchment paper. Cut circles of the size of your cakes for use later.

1. Take the molds out of the fridge with the crunchy bases in place, and top with raspberries.
2. Pipe in lemon mousse and place in the fridge until set (1 to 2 hours). When the mousses are almost set, top with the zebra cake, and place back in the fridge until fully set, about 1 hour more.
3. Remove the ring molds, the plastic liners and serve on individual plates.

recipe from...

Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes

Cupcakes (makes 24 cupcake ice cream cones / 350ºF oven - around 176°c)
-- You need
2 cups flour
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1-1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1-1/2 cups milk
1/2 cup butter
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 eggs
-- Steps
1. measure out everything but the eggs directly into your mixer bowl
2. mix on low speed just until incorporated
3. beat on high speed for 2 minutes
4. add eggs, beat on high speed again for 2 minutes
5. transfer batter into a container with a pour spout (like a pyrex measuring cup)
6. pour batter into ice cream cones, leave a good half inch between the batter and the top of the cone
7. bake at 350ºF for about 20 minutes or until cake tester comes out clean

Vanilla and Chocolate Buttercream Frosting
-- You need
2 sticks butter
7 cups powdered sugar, sifted
1/4 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup cocoa powder (I use Valrhona)
-- Steps
1. beat butter until creamy, scrape bowl
2. add 5 cups of sifted powdered sugar, milk, and vanilla, beat until combined
3. add more powdered sugar until you get to the consistency you want (not too stiff so that its hard to pipe)
4. take out half of the buttercream and reserve, this is your vanilla
5. add the cocoa powder to the remaining half and beat to combine, you might need to add a little milk if its too stiff, this is your chocolate buttercream

1. pipe frosting onto cooled cupcakes with a large star tip
2. top with sprinkles

recipe from...

Fresh Pumpkin Cupcakes with White Chocolate Chunks and Cream Cheese Frosting

Pumpkin Cupcakes (24 regular cupcakes / 350ºF oven = around 176°c)
-- You need
3 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon allspice
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
2 cups sugar
1 cup vegetable oil
3 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
4 cups shredded fresh pumpkin
4 ounces white chocolate, chopped
-- Steps
1. Cut open a pumpkin, take out the seeds and inner flesh, then chop into manageable chunks. Grate the pumpkin chunks, skin and all, with a box grated or food processor until you have four cups of grated flesh.
2. Measure the flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, allspice, and nutmeg into a medium sized bowl and whisk to combine.
3. Measure the sugar, oil, eggs, and vanilla into a large size bowl and stir to combine.
4. Add about a fourth of the dry mixture to the wet and stir to combine. Continue adding in fourths until all the dry is incorporated. The result with be a very thick batter (and a sore arm).
5. Fold in the pumpkin and chocolate chunks into the batter and scoop into cupcake papers about 2/3s full.
6. Bake at 350ºF for about 25-30 minutes or until a cake tester comes out clean.

1. Top cooled cupcakes with cream cheese frosting.
2. I decorated the cupcakes with store bought pumpkin candies for the sake of time (and because I actually love/hate those both those and candy corn), but you could always get creative with marzipan if you have the time and inclination.

recipe from...

Eggnog Cupcake with Bourbon Caramel Cream Cheese Frosting

Cupcakes (24 regular cupcakes / 350ºF oven = around 176°c)
-- You need
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
1/2 cup butter, room temp
3 eggs, room temp
1 teaspoon vanilla
3/4 cup eggnog
1/4 cup bourbon/dark rum (all of one or a mix)
2 1/4 cups flour
1 teaspoon each baking powder and soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon allspice
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
-- Steps
1. Cream together sugar and butter until light and fluffy.
2. Beat in eggs until blended.
3. Mix together eggnog, bourbon, and vanilla.
4. In a bowl, mix together flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, allspice, and nutmeg.
5. Alternate adding dry and wet ingredients into egg mixture mixing until combined.
6. Scoop into lined cupcake tins and bake at 350ºF for 20-22 minutes.

Eggnog Pastry Cream
-- You need
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/2 cup eggnog
1 egg yolk
1 teaspoon butter, softened
1/2 teaspoon dark rum
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
-- Steps
1. Place flour in a heavy sauce pan, gradually whisk in eggnog until blended and smooth.
2. Add egg yolks, one at a time, whisking until just combined after each addition.
3. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, removing from the heat occasionally to avoid lumps, until thickened. If necessary strain through a metal sieve to remove lumps.
4. Remove from heat, stir in butter, rum and vanilla.
5. Transfer pastry cream to a bowl. Cover surface with plastic wrap, chill.

Bourbon Caramel Cream Cheese Frosting
-- You need
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 tablespoons whipping cream
1 tablespoons butter
pinch salt
2 tablespoons bourbon
1-1/2 packages phili cream cheese, room temp
1/2 cup butter, room temp
4 cups confectioner’s sugar
-- Steps
1. Heat brown sugar, cream, butter, salt over medium high heat whisking until sugar is dissolved. Cook for another minute.
2. Pour in bourbon and stir to combine. Take off heat and let cool.
3. In the bowl of an electric mixer, beat cream cheese and butter until soft.
4. Add the confectioner’s sugar and beat to combine.
5. Add three tablespoons of the bourbon caramel (you might have some left over) and beat to combine.

1. Fill cooled cupcakes with pastry cream.
2. Top with frosting.
3. Decorate as you wish or drizzle some leftover bourbon caramel sauce.

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